
Mannequin Lounge

Creative Bodies of Edgy, Elegant Art

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Kick off your stilettos, pour yourself a martini

& explore the sexy, sassy, whimsical world

of LuLu’s one-of-a-kind mannequin art!

LuLu standing at a mannequin leg table drinking a martini.

Nice to meet you and welcome to my lounge!

Mannequins are my alter egos, my creative passion, and my canvas for creating edgy, elegant, sweet & sexy bodies of art.

I love sharing my fantasy sculptures, and it’s truly special when one of my mannequins touches someone’s soul.

If that happens to you, let me know!


LuLu with a gold mask holding a black male mannequin torso decorated with feathers and sequins.

Man·ne·quins are my creative canvas for coloring outside conventional lines.


Titilate your senses.
Tickle your

Torsos, Tables, Chests & Breasts

Do you have a fantasy shadow-self?

Great, because this lounge is full of them!

Fantasy is my muse for these wild and wonderful sculptures—including their accessories. Leather & Lace. Feathers & Fringe. Beads & Bling. Shells & Stones. Spikes & Belts… Anything goes!

No filters. No judgements. Just free-flowing creativity.

Rave Reviews

Look what people are saying about LuLu’s mannequin art in San Miguel de Allende!

LuLu’s gorgeous, decorative mannequins glow with originality, humor, beauty & imagination!  ~Jeff M

All LuLu’s mannequins are so inviting, sensual, sexual—and I just love how she accents them!   ~Barbara L.

Your whimsical art makes me so happy!  ~Debra J

They’re all so yummy!  ~MariOsa

Tour LuLu’s latest exhibit to meet her mannequins & some local fans.

Do you have questions?

About pricing? About commissioning a custom mannequin? Need more details & photos?
I’m happy to answer!

Great to See You in My Lounge!

I love creating my sexy, playful, avant-garde art. And just like my sculptures, I have some secrets to share, —starting with: 

Before becoming a mannequin madam, I was a kindergarten teacher! 

LuLy with pink blouse in venter of room surrounded by her mannequin art